- The association Gornergrat Zermatt Marathon is actively committed to a sustainable event in accordance with the "clean event" principle.
- This sustainability concept lays the foundations for the planning, implementation and control of measures.
- With targeted measures the impact on the environment will be reduced.
- Participants, spectators, volunteers, sponsors and further committees will be involved.
- With annual controls the implementation of the sustainability concept will be measured, rated and evaluated.
- In the long term, sustainability will be continuously and specifically promoted.
Main Goal: To take care of the environment - ecologically responsible!
- Setting ecological standards
- Strengthen environmental awareness
- Positioning as ecologically responsible
Beispiele für umgesetzte Massnahmen:
- Abfalltrennung
- Getränke mit CHF 2 Pfanddepot im Pasta-Zelt Zermatt
- Gratis ÖV-Fahrt für Läufer/-innen am Laufwochenende
- Attraktive 1- oder 2- Tagespässe für Begleitpersonen und Besucher
- «fahrende Tribüne»
- Gepäcktransport
- Regionale Anbieter (Transport, Lebensmittel)
- Übernachtungsmöglichen zu vergünstigten Konditionen (Läuferhotels in Zermatt und Täsch, Pauschalangebote Tourismus Grächen, Läuferhotels und -wohnungen in Grächen)
- Lärmschutz (Festzeltfeierlichkeiten in Zermatt bis 23 Uhr, keine Auf- und Abbauarbeiten zwischen 22 Uhr und 7 Uhr)
Hauptziel: Die Wirtschaft ankurbeln – ökonomisch ergiebig!
- Steigerung regionale Wertschöpfung
- Förderung positive Standortmarketing
examples for implemented measurers:
- The work together with SBB, Postauto, local traffics, locals restaurants, shops etc.
- local accomodation
- international events: runners are from more than 25 different nations
Main goal: promotion social aspects – socially acceptable!
- Promotion acceptance and tolerance
- Setting positive impulses
- Promotion of popular sports
examples for implemented measurers:
- Security is very important (aperson responsible for safety, security concept, race director, cooperation with the local fire department, cantonal police and medical service)
- antidoping
- Smoke-free areas
- Support from local and regional partners
- More than 900 volunteers